Saturday, December 28, 2013

Post-Bariatric Surgery: Where to Begin Reaping the Benefits of Body Contouring?

If you’re among the thousands of patients who have undergone major weight loss, we say, “Congratulations, you did it! You have reclaimed your health.

But if you are distracted by the flabby skin that continues to hang on, we have great news. Post-bariatric surgery will rid your body of unwanted, uncomfortable and unattractive skin in the abdomen, breast, upper arm, buttock, groin and thigh regions.

In fact, major weight loss patients all over the U.S. have taken advantage of post-bariatric surgery. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that there were over 45,534 body contouring procedures performed in 2012.

This surgery was so popular, because major weight loss patients were tired of skin tissue that had lost its elasticity. They wanted to show off their new bodies, and it was post-bariatric surgery that helped them look as good on the outside as they felt on the inside.

What is post-bariatric surgery? 

Post-bariatric surgery – also known as body contouring – is the final phase of your total weight loss experience. It removes sagging skin and fat while improving the shape and tone of underlying tissue. Post-bariatric surgery gives your body a more natural appearance and an added boost to your self-confidence.

Types of Body Contouring Procedures

There are a number of body contouring procedures for men and women.
  • Arm lift - designed to get rid of “bat wings,” the sagging tissue on the upper arm
  • Breast lift - corrects sagging or flattened breasts
  • Butt lift - eliminates extra skin and fat from the buttocks
  • Circumferential body lift - combines an abdomen reduction and a buttock reduction
  • Face lift - removes wrinkles by tightening facial skin
  • Neck lift - improves the appearance of the neck by removing excess skin and fat
  • Lower body lift - removes sagging skin located on the abdomen, buttocks, groin and outer thighs
  • Thigh lift - repairs sagging around the inner, outer and mid-thigh


Am I a good candidate for body contouring?

If you’ve experienced major weight loss and are considering surgery, be sure your weight has been stabilized for at least six months. This will prevent the reoccurrence of sagging pockets as well as stretch marks and scarring.

The success of your post-bariatric surgery greatly depends on your weight distribution, age, genetics and exposure to the sun. You will want to have a good attitude, a healthy lifestyle including proper nutrition and fitness, a clean bill of health as well as realistic expectations.

Will insurance cover body-contouring surgery?

Typically, insurance companies do not cover most body-contouring surgeries as they are considered to be cosmetic only. This is unfortunate as body contouring surgery is expensive in the U.S.
  • Arm surgery – approximately $8,000
  • Inner thighs – approximately $10,000 a pair
  • Breast lift and upper back surgery – approximately $15,000
  • Neck and face lift – approximately $15,000
  • Full-body lift – approximately $30,000
Because of these high prices, many Americans (and Canadians) opt to travel beyond their borders for post-bariatric surgery after major weight loss. They have come to rely on highly educated and experienced international surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities. Plus, the savings (up to 80%) makes surgery abroad too good to pass up.

What are the risks?

As with any surgery, there are risks. These can range from bleeding and scarring to infection and blood clots. Naturally, your doctor and surgical team will be on hand to handle any complications.

Once you have been discharged from the hospital, you will continue to experience some swelling and bruising. This is to be expected for approximately two to three weeks after your body contouring surgery.

How many surgeries can I have at one time?

It is quite common for a major weight loss patient to undergo several body contouring procedures at one time. This can significantly reduce your recovery time as well as the price tag. The decision to combine several body contouring surgeries will be made by you and your surgeon. He or she will consider those areas which are most bothersome to you. Of course, your safety is number one and will be taken into account when coming up with a surgical schedule.

There are several post-bariatric surgeries that can be combined.
  • Tummy tuck and liposuction
  • Tummy tuck and breast enhancement
  • Total facial rejuvenation with breast augmentation, tummy tuck or liposuction
  • Face lift with laser resurfacing or a combination of eyes, ears and nose

We're Here to Help

Whether or not to complete your major weight loss experience with body contouring is a big decision. But you don’t have to worry about where to begin. We are here to help.

If you’re curious about body contouring surgery after massive weight loss, visit Our team will supply you with everything you need – options, locations, cost and recovery time – to help you reach your goals and be the best you can be.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The World’s Most Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

The holidays are upon us, and with all of the shopping, decorating, cookie-making, and gift-giving, you’re probably wondering if there’s time to do something for yourself.

Of course, you could always go to the spa, join a health club or hit the road for a weekend getaway. But why not consider something with a little more staying power?

Maybe brighter eyes, a straighter nose, a healthier waistline or a perkier chest is just what you need to feel as confident on the outside as you do on the inside.

If you find yourself nodding up and down, you’re not alone. Millions of people around the world treat themselves to a healthy dose of confidence by going under the knife. Their procedures of choice? Liposuction, breast augmentation and rhinoplasty (nose jobs) are among the top five according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.

Those living in Venezuela, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Thailand go for liposuction while those in China, Japan and South Korea favor rhinoplasty. Patients in Romania, Australia, Mexico, France and the Netherlands jump at the chance to have breast augmentation.

It’s interesting to note that breast augmentation was the number one surgical procedure of all 1.5 million cosmetic procedures performed in the United States in 2012. Some women want to restore volume after a pregnancy or major weight loss. Others opt to reconstruct their breasts after a mastectomy. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons notes there are many women who are unsatisfied with their breasts altogether, and augmentation offers a desirable, balanced figure.

Below are the top five surgical procedures in the United States:  

Cosmetic Surgery
# of Surgeries in 2012
Breast Augmentation
Nose Reshaping (rhinoplasty)
Eyelid Surgery (blepharoplasty)

Naturally, the question “Which surgery lasts the longest?” comes to mind. We tell clients, “The best results come from the most experienced physicians.” As you shop for the best surgeon to meet your surgical needs, be sure he or she offers a blemish-free record and a wealth of testimonials from within your age group. (Why age group? Because results will vary with patients in various age groups.)

If you’re looking for long-lasting procedures, check out our top five list below:

Type of Cosmetic Surgery
Average Period of Time
Breast Augmentation
10-15 years
Nose Reshaping (rhinoplasty)
Eyelid Surgery (blepharoplasty)
10-15 years
Varies for each patient and lifestyle.
2-12 years (Depending on the patient’s age.)

If you’re thinking about a pick-me-up for the New Year, consider that you are not alone. Millions of people around the world are treating themselves to safe, long-lasting cosmetic surgery results.

Give us a call today to learn how you can “make a little merry” with a brand new look! We will provide you with a wealth of information to help you make the best decision for your surgical needs.