Wednesday, January 15, 2014

When is the Right Time to Have Your Facelift Surgery?

If you’ve considered a facelift surgery, you’ve probably thought about the timing of this procedure.

“When is the right time to have my facelift surgery?”

“Is it too late for me to get rid of these [insert your problem area]?”

These are common questions, and I always tell my patients that the timing entirely depends on you as a patient. It also depends on the internal and external effects that cause your face to gradually age.

·      genetics
·      overall health
·      amount of sun exposure
·      the quality of food and amount of water consumed on a regular basis
·      addictions to nicotine or drugs

But despite all of these, there are also under-the-surface changes that cause patients to turn to facelift surgery for an improved appearance.

After one’s 24th birthday, collagen in the face slowly becomes less elastic. The soft tissue thins and features begin to sag. Plus, the fat that was once evenly distributed begins to lose volume as it shifts and drops to the lower half of the face. This can give the appearance of bags in the chin and around the neckline.

Here are some gradual affects that occur in one’s 40s, 50s, 60s and so on:

·      Forehead – Forehead tissue broadens causing the eyebrows to droop. Also, the hairline begins to thin.

·      Eyes – The cheekbones descend and offer less support. The eye sockets widen and lengthen making them appear to be deeply set. The soft tissue sags around the eyes and eyelids.  

·      Nose – As the patient ages, the connective tissue in the nose weakens. This causes it to droop or elongate, and possibly develop a small but pronounced dorsal hump. Also, the tip of the nose broadens and adopts a bulbous appearance.

·      Cheeks – The cheeks often sag leaving one with jowls.

·      Mouth – The corners of the mouth tend to droop which causes a slight frown.

·      Ears – Ears lengthen as cartilage grows.

·      Jaw – When the jawbone thins, it causes the facial structure to lose its more sculpted appearance.

And yes, one cannot get away from the generalized wrinkling of the face. Fine wrinkles (due to smoking, sun damage or genetics) and deep wrinkles (the pulling of muscles) can add years to one’s face.

Naturally, there are some things you can do to give your countenance a much more youthful glow.

1.    Use sunscreen daily and by wear wide-brimmed hats.
2.    Use exfoliant creams to get rid of dead skin and moisturizers to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
3.    Prescription creams such as Avage, Avita, Retin-A and Renova can reduce wrinkles and induce collagen production in the dermis.
4.    Botulinum toxin injections like Botox, Myobloc and Dysport treats lines on the forehead and between the brows while restraining the muscles that form expression lines.
5.    Dermal fillers treat those lines which have been caused by the loss of collagen and redistribution of fat.
6.    Laser treatments get rid of freckles, liver spots, broken capillaries and acne scars.

While the above rejuvenation tips will help you delay the aging process, they are temporary and need to be repeated often. For something that will last for at least five years and can be repeated once or twice in a lifetime, the facelift surgery is the ultimate treatment.

A facelift will remove excess tissue while lifting skin that sags. The end result will be a refreshed, more natural appearance.

Some patients, many of whom are in their 40s, opt for a mini facelift. This is a good time to begin the age-defying surgical process as the early one addresses bothersome areas, the better their appearance in the long run. The mini facelift treats the lower eyelids, cheeks and mid-face areas. It reestablishes facial balance while lifting the lower face and neck.

Many patients in their 50s and 60s opt for either the lower facelift or the full facelift surgery.

·      Lower facelift – tightens loose skin on the jaw and neck as well as removes deep wrinkles along the corners of the mouth
·      Full facelift – treats all sections of the face for a smoother appearance

So, to answer your questions:

“When is the right time to have my facelift surgery?” – If you’re over 40 and have been considering a facelift, now is the right time for a consultation. From there, we will determine your ideal time.

“Is it too late for me to get rid of these [insert your problem area]?” – It’s never too late.
As a plastic surgeon, it is my pleasure to help you determine the best timing for your facelift surgery. Together, we will chart a safe and realistic course of action so that your surgical experience will bring you the highest level of satisfaction.

If you’d like to learn more, contact us today. And be sure to ask us about our January special. Save 5% on a lower facelift and 10% on a mid or full facelift.*

*To take advantage of this special offer, you will need to pay a booking fee before January, 31, 2014. All procedures must be complete by May 31, 2014.

1 comment:

  1. Over time I will tell the progress of my healing after breast augmentation . I know everyone's story is different and very personal. I felt that maybe someone out there might benefit from my experience.
